Latest Past Events

Online Auction Launch Party


STREAM - ART AUCTION  –  MUSIC – SPECIAL GUESTS The Annual Art Auction this year will be a bit different, coming to you live and on-line, presenting an amazing night of art, music and special guests. Musical performances from Alice Skye, Kylie Auldist, Cookin’ on 3 Burners, Rebecca Barnard & Billy Miller, and The Jane Barnes Band ... Read more


We (Heart)AKC BBQ Day

Brightspace 8 Martin Street, St Kilda

Please join us at our annual BBQ celebrating our AKC kids and thanking our Artists, Volunteers, Sponsors and Supporters. - Performers - Food, Bar - Sketch Booth with Lewis Millar & Ricky Howell - Fun kid activities. RSVP: hello@akc.or.gau
